The Archaeological Museum of Đerdap in Kladovo is a part of National Museum in Belgrade. It treasures and displays аrchaeological material found during excavation of sites endangered by the raising of Danube level due to the construction of dams for Đerdap 1 and 2 Hydroelectric Power Plants. Exibited archaeological finds are important testimonies of the various cultures of the prehistoric, Roman and medieval periods which existed on the Danube.
Archaeological Museum in Kladovo is one of the few specialized museums in Serbia, one of two archaeological museums. The construction of the museum building, designed by Mario Jobst, began in 1988. The museum was opened on September 30, 1996.
The museum space is consisted out two exibition halls. Trough the smaller space, visitor is by panels with photos informed about a story of archaeologicall excavations of the Djerdap Region from 1960s to 1980s. Main exibition with almost 2000 exibited artefacts from which some of them are world unique, is covering a time span from 7th millennium B.C. to 18th century A.D.
Contact and scheduling visits: Valentina Vujaković, 060/807-5090